Workplace Health Surveillance & Audit
Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your company. We draw upon the expertise of staff professionals who combine years of experience as industry consultants.
This applies to all organizations who were informed by Ministry of Manpower to conduct the gap analysis for Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) and Management of Hazardous Chemicals (MHCP). Upon completion of gap analysis by competent person (In-house competent staff or competent consultant), the organization shall engage SAC Accredited WSH Auditor appointed by SAC Accredited WSH Auditing Organization to conduct audit on gap analysis checklist
Audit methodology includes verification on documentary evidence on implementation, physical inspection of workplace and interview of key personnel based on responses stated under gap analysis checklist competent person. Upon completion of audit, the WSH auditor shall submit the following to audited organization:
• Auditor Declaration Form (signed by auditor)
• Audit Findings