OT Exemption Audit
Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your company. We draw upon the expertise of staff professionals who combine years of experience as industry consultants.
The objective of an Overtime Exemption Audit is to assess the risk levels of work activities in an organization that are carried out beyond 12 hours a day, or where overtime work hours exceeds 72 hours per month.
The audit will be conducted by a SAC Accredited WSH Auditor employed by a SAC Accredited WSH Auditing Organization. The audit covers document review, site inspection on verifying implementation of risk control measures and interview of key personnel.
The WSH Auditor will check to ensure that risk assessment has taken into consideration:
- The length of extended working hours
- The types of work and workload of employees and include, where applicable, adjusted exposure limits to chemical/noise and assessment of heat stress and manual material lifting.
The risk level takes into account all implemented risk control measures. Upon going through risk register, WSH Auditor will endorse risk register provided he is satisfied and confirmed that all work activities carried out overtime involve “Low Risk” and none of activities listed under Annex A of Overtime Exemption Application Form are carried out overtime. For the list of activities, please refer to the attached document as provided.