Accident Investigation
Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of your company. We draw upon the expertise of staff professionals who combine years of experience as industry consultants.
For workplaces in which serious accidents have occurred resulting in fatality or major injuries, they may receive a notification from the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) to engage a SAC accredited WSH auditor for an investigation of the workplace accident and submission of investigation report.
The main objective is to help improve safety practices and prevent similar or any other injuries from occurring, and also review organization’s WSH Management System. The organization must appoint a WSH auditor to audit your workplace and implement the recommendations of the WSH auditor immediately.
A copy of i-report submitted to MOM and internal investigation reports (if any) shall also be submitted to appointed SAC Accredited WSH Auditor from SAC Accredited Auditing Organization for the auditor to go through the accident report and understand the background of accident prior to commencement of investigation.